Saturday, December 17, 2011

Observations from the World of Sports: Dec. 16

Extremely lackluster day. It features a few piecemeal teams, as well as a home-run king avoiding jail, and another king joining the land of Tiger Woods. On we go!

-Barry Bonds was sentenced yesterday to 30 days of house arrest, 2 years probation, and 250 hours of community service for obstruction of justice in the Greg Anderson/BALCO case. Such a light sentence is typical of athletes, and that's no surprise here. The feds wanted 15 months for him, but no way that would happen. At least 8 people involved in the BALCO case were convicted of felonies, and their case against Bonds really fell apart because of Anderson.

-In the game of the night (that wouldn't be the game of the night on any other day), UMKC (Missouri-Kansas City) kept up their recent winning ways in a gritty 72-67 win over Canisius College. The 'Roos of UMKC were down by 10 in the first half, after a hot start with two 3 point plays by big Logan Manhertz. The 'Roos also started 0-9 from the 3 point line before converting their first attempt. As the game rolled on, however, it became the Snoop Show. "Snoop" is the nickname for sophomore Trinity Hall, who put up a career-high 27 points to make up for the slow production of their leading scorer, guard Reggie Washington, who averaged 20 a game. Washington only had 10, with a lackluster 2-8 from behind the arc. UMKC as a team struggled from behind the arc, going 4-26. Canisius had 10 offensive rebounds in the first half, but only had 2 in the second. Their leading scorer, Harold Washington (19 ppg), only had 12. A bright side for Canisius (now 1-8) was Josiah Heath, who averages 4 points and 5 boards per game. Heath had  career highs in points (16, leading the team) and rebounds (18, accounting for over half of the Golden Griffins' 34 rebounds).

-Poor Kobe. Vanessa Bryant has filed for divorce from the Lakers superstar, citing "irreconcilable differences". The Bryants had been married for a decade, but it's all over now. And officially, there is NO PRENUP. So Kobe loses around 200 million. Oh, and that 4 million dollar ring he gave her after the scandal.

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